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Here at Darnum Primary School the Science curriculum we deliver is directly aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. The areas of Chemical Science, Earth and Space Science, Biological Science and Physical Science are taught in the space of a school year. Students develop their Science Inquiry Skills and Understanding through hands on investigations, where they make predictions, ask questions and record their thinking and observations throughout the course of each science unit.




Darnum Primary School offers an exciting Japanese program, which introduces students to the language and culture of Japan.

Students from Foundation to Year Six, attend weekly Japanese sessions with a specialist Japanese teacher.

Language classes provide an engaging environment, where students enjoy communicating in Japanese through role plays, interviews, songs and language games. The focus throughout the program is the acquisition of communication skills in Japanese. Students have the opportunity to practise their listening, speaking, reading/viewing and writing skills.

At Darnum Primary School, we aim to develop culturally aware citizens who have an understanding of language, diversity and the skills to develop intercultural connections.



At Darnum Primary School, all students participate in weekly Visual Arts sessions that follow the Victorian Curriculum. Students are provided with opportunities to explore both 2D and 3D mediums, including drawing, painting, collage, print-making, construction, modelling and threads and textiles. The artworks created by our students are displayed around the school throughout the year, with all pieces of work on display at our annual Art Show held in conjunction with Writer’s Café.




At Darnum Primary School, students learn to play a variety of instruments including keyboards, electric guitars, drums, bass guitars and so much more. We have free guitar group lessons for beginners and intermediates at lunch times, a scheduled class time for a senior rock band and we also have a djembe drumming group for students in grade four. Junior students learn to play a variety of percussive instruments and ukuleles and we incorporate some singing, dancing and drama into our classes. Students learn how to read and write music notes and are taught how to compose their own pieces. We also use a program called Sound Trap for grades 3-6 to compose some professional sounding music. We have whole school productions and a music concert every alternate year. Overall, Darnum Primary School fosters a life-long love for music.




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