Darnum Primary School

Darnum PS Physical Education and Sport Program
Children at Darnum PS complete a weekly half hour physical education session (Wednesday) taken by a specialist. This is complemented by a one hour sport session taken by classroom teachers.
The physical education program consists of :
Term 1 – minor games, athletic skills – running (sprint and distance), hurdling, throwing and jumping.
Term 2 – fitness activities – alternating annually with a focus on skipping or running, Grade 4-6 complete exercise/weight circuits and fitness testing (ACHPER).
Term 3 – minor games, skills e.g. catch, overarm throw, dribble, side arm strike, forehand strike.
Term 4 – minor games, sport focus e.g hockey, lacrosse, touch football, soccer, basketball, tennis, bat tennis, softball.
Athletic Sports
The Athletic Sports occur annually near the end of Term one and are held at the Darnum Recreation Reserve. The children compete in individual events in the morning in either grade levels (F, 1, 2) or gender and age groups (e.g 10 year old boys). Events include sprint, distance, hurdles, vortex ball, tennis ball throw, turbojav, gumboot throw, discus, shot put and long jump. In the afternoon the children participate in team events in their houses. Events include Tunnelball, Bobball, Shuttle relay, Egg and Spoon, Potato race and Obstacle relay.
Darnum PS Representative Sport:
Below is a summary of representative sport opportunities for students at Darnum PS. Representative sport is open to all children in Grades 3-6, depending on their motivation and ability. Opportunities are optional. Children will be asked if they want to participate and may decide not to.
Division Activities:
We are in the West Gippsland Rural Schools’ District as a part of the West Gippsland Division of the Gippsland Region of SSV (School Sport Victoria). Children must turn 9 in the year of competition to be eligible to participate.
Winners and some place getters usually proceed to the next level of competition (Region) and might then proceed to a State level of competition.
Swimming – Term 1. We send a small group of children nominated by the teachers. The children should be elite swimmers. They are usually involved in a Swimming club although it is open to all Grade 3-6 children.
Division Athletics – Term 2. Better performed athletes from our Athletic sports (Term 1) will have the chance to compete at District level Athletics sports (max of 4 events and a relay) at the Geoff Watt Track (Warragul) in early Term 2. The children should be above average athletes. The children who finish 1st or 2nd then qualify for the Division Athletics and are in a WGRSSA District team which limits participants to 2 individual events and a relay. Our District can enter 2 participants in each event.
Cross Country – Term 2. We can enter 6 participants in each event. Events include 9/10 Girls and Boys (2km), 11 Girls and Boys (3km) and 12/13 Girls and Boys (3km). Children are chosen using times from Phys Ed testing in the previous year- children need to be able to run the 1.6 km run in less than 10 minutes. It is expected children will be able to run the entire 2km or 3 km course.
Football/Netball - Term 2. A District football and/or netball team will be organised depending on the availability of a supervising teacher. Participants are from Grade 5 and 6 but might include Grade 4 if more numbers are needed. A combined team of other schools in our District will play against Buln Buln PS for the right to represent our District at Division level. Football is for boys and girls. Netball is for girls only.
Other Activities:
Hooptime – Usually term 3. Open to all Grade 3-6 children regardless of ability. There are two different days. One for Grade 3/4 (Junior) and one for Grade 5/6 (Senior). Within each age group there will be teams of three different ability levels – All Stars (very good, experienced players – quite often Squad players), Future Stars (players with some ability, experience) and Rookies (limited ability, no experience). The number of teams entered will depend on the number of children who volunteer to participate.
T20 Blast – Term 4. A modified cricket competition usually restricted to Grade 5 & 6. Grade 4 children may participate if needed to make up the numbers for a team. A Boys and a Girls competition requiring teams of 8. Ability and experience are not a factor.
Hot Shots Tennis – Term 4. Children of any ability or experience can participate in this modified form of tennis (smaller court and larger, decompressed ball). Children are placed in teams of 8 according to skill level and compete against opponents of similar ability. Competition is normally held at Drouin Recreation Reserve.